Many people who visit Weeks State Park, even fairly often, probably have little idea of the myriad activities that are underway or are being planned by the Park Staff, the Weeks State Park Association and others. We thought it might be of interest to capture some of the highlights, tasks and events that took place just last week - July 10 thru July 16.
Sunday, July 10

Retired forester and past president of WSPA, Dave Govatski, dropped by the Park, not to measure trees as in this photo, but to pull an invasive plant that he recently discovered just below the fire tower - brown knapweed.

Interestingly, Dave placed his gloves in this photo, not so much to add perspective, but to remind everyone that the sap of this plant can cause serious injury when pulled by bare hands, especially if there are sores or open wounds. Be extremely careful when removing this invasive.
Monday, July 11

Weeks State Park staff, volunteers and scouts from Jefferson's Troop 218 spent a day clearing 58 trees from the Around the Mountain Trail and Davidge path. See our previous Blog post that describes the amazing work that was accomplished.
Tuesday, July 12

As a follow up to the Trail Work done the previous day, Justin Wentworth and Joe Phillips were back out on the trails doing further trimming to overgrown areas on the Around the Mountain Trail as well as the Ski Tow area.
Wednesday 13
This day was a busy one for Staff members Kylie Bruce and Chelsea Mitton as they worked feverishly to prepare the House for the Thursday evening presentation.
If you came to the event you may have noticed the newly constructed "Event Parking" signs that were built and painted by Joe Phillips. Those were especially helpful the following night because this event was so well attended which meant lots people were looking for parking spots.
Thursday, July 14

Ben Kilham's presentation on the black bears was captivating as always and thoroughly enjoyed by a huge crowd. Check out the Event Report on our website in the "Event Details" section.
Friday, July 15

Normand Lacroix is working on rebuilding the park kiosk that he originally built but was damaged last winter. Here he shows the plans for the work.
Park Manager, Rachel Bruce was meeting with photographer Fletcher Manley. Fletcher has been taking photographs that will be used on our new signage projects at the overlooks.
Saturday, July 16

Artist Doreen Bolnick came to the park to conduct a workshop on nature journaling for which she has received high praise. We have done an Event Report on it elsewhere on our website under "Event Details."

John Wingate Weeks' sword, depicted in these pictures, has been recently donated to the John Wingate Museum at the Summit House. The sword was donated by Bob Weeks in honor and memory of his late father, John Weeks. John Weeks was the grandson of John Wingate Weeks. On Saturday, Peter Weeks, Bob's son, delivered the sword in a beautiful shadow box for display.
It was quite a busy week at the park and amid all of the activity that we've mentioned, the Park Staff was busy as always with the hosting and aiding the many guests who visit each day.
There are many, many people who love this jewel of a park and work very hard to make it the best park that it can be - Park Staff, the Weeks State Park Association, various State agencies such as DOT that maintains the Scenic Byway autoroad, Forest & Lands, volunteers and many more. Please consider a donation to the park, or perhaps join our Association to help us support it. The Staff and WSPA are also eager to hear from you if you have suggestions, praise or even critiques.
We're off to a great summer and have much more in store for you this year. Thank you everyone for all that you do.