Become a Member
Our Association Needs You!
As WSPA members we use our time and talents to make it the best NH park that it can be. From donating towards capital improvements, maintenance, providing unique and educational summer evening programs, wildflower and bird walks, the WSPA is vital to the continued health of Weeks State Park.
Become a WSPA member or renew!
If you have not sent in your membership dues for 2021 or would like to join for the first time, please fill in the information associated with your desired membership level and submit to WSPA. Please also send your payment with your tax-deductible check to WSPA, PO Box 104, Lancaster, NH, 03584
A PayPal option should be added to the website shortly. Thank you for your patience.
If you have questions, suggestions or need assistance, please contact us.




Lifetime Individual

If you prefer to mail us your membership info, click here for a pdf form, which you can mail along with your tax-deductible check to:
WSPA PO Box 104 Lancaster, NH 03584