Weeks State Park hosted an all-day North Country Forest Insects & Diseases Workshop on August 5. The training session for foresters and other interested people was organized by UNH Cooperative Extension. Co-sponsors of the event were the Granite State Division of the Society of American Foresters, NH Division of Forests and Lands, and the US Forest Service.
During this all-day, “in the field” workshop, small groups rotated through six stations. At each station there was a unique set of insects, invasive plants, and/or effects of diseases that a specialist showed and then moderated a discussion of how these pests could influence forest management in the North Country.
A look at one of the workstations
Emily Meacham, Protection Forester, Vermont Division of Forests demonstrates indications of aspen leaf miner.
Dode Gladders, Sullivan County UNH Extension Forester shows an apple branch with fire blight symptoms.
Some of the instructors are pictured just before heading off to their stations.
There were several speakers from New Hampshire and Maine. Topics included Spruce Budworm, Spongy Moth, Forest Tent Caterpillar, beech Leaf Disease, Jumping Worms, invasive Plants, emerging threats and more. The rain held off and allowed the participants to use the six training stations set up outside.
Thanks to Dave Govatski and Rachel Bruce for providing pictures and descriptions of this educational outreach by our partners at UNH Extension and thanks to the presenters who gladly shared their extensive "hands-on" expertise.
You can read more about this event here: